For the first outing of the New Year, I decided to take the trip out west to the Witterings. The drive is about an hour or so from my house and a straightforward easy drive, it seemed to be the easy option to get back into the swing of things. On arrival I suddenly realised everyone and his dog had the same plan. I thought positive and got on with job in hand. Carrying 4 rolls of Ilford D100 with me and the Beast of a camera the Fuji gx617 on my back, I hunted for a composition among the sand dunes. with an exposure time of 2 secs@f32 i was done.The weather was dull and grey, but least no high winds or rain. I shot two rolls of film and was pleased with the short time I was there for. I’m looking forward to the results and a return journey in the spring.

High up in the Dunes, West Wittering.